Thursday, January 11, 2007

Suppressed Jupiter

I can usually pull a good mood out of my mood bag when the darkness descends. I have a prominent Jupiter in Sagittarius in my natal chart which gives me an inordinate amount of faith in Being powerful and full of light. Everything is in Divine Order. I relax; feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled. Then, anxious again that I am doing something wrong to have manifested this job. Then, up, up up again as I realize it's not so bad, the music is cool, I usually work less than 8 hours, there's money deposited into my checking acct every Friday at one minute past midnight, etc. (Saturn and his practicality...)

I am going across the Causeway bridge today to merchandise at a store I've never been to before. That's how I keep the tedious nature of this job from kicking my ass - by going to different stores. Different stores = different products, different layouts, different faces, and different music too. That store plays "Oldies but Goodies" One N.O. store I work at plays only jazzy instrumental music. I have heard David Bowie, Ricki Lee Jones, Paul Simon, James Taylor, Seal, and other favorites at different stores. I need change. The Zen thing of emptying boxes and lining up products in order can only carry me so far.

I've been doing this job all year and it's about time to move on to what I came here to do. "See her shake on the movie screen, Jimmy Dean."


Sassy Sundry said...

Here's to change, and I hope you find it. Bad jobs happen sometimes, at least, that's what I think. The best we can do is to learn something and then move on. You hope to shake it?

Thanks for the comment, by the way. Likewise on the blog.

Jupiter's Girl said...

I am certain that I will be changing jobs soon; preferably one that calls for an actress and/or astrologer. I sm stalking something like that right now. I will not shake this job. I don't have a need or desire to for this one. This experience keeps me humble. Somebody has to put the groceries away.

This week, I will be going to a store I have never been to before (over an hour commute) and re-set products to introduce buyers to different things, and take away ones that don't sell very well. Just writing that makes me long for that something else immediately. Sigh. Thanks for the comfort, Sassy Sundry.

Love that picture. It goes with the name.

Jupiter's Girl said...

I am certain that I will be changing jobs soon; preferably one that calls for an actress and/or astrologer. I sm stalking something like that right now. I will not shake this job. I don't have a need or desire to for this one. This experience keeps me humble. Somebody has to put the groceries away.

This week, I will be going to a store I have never been to before (over an hour commute) and re-set products to introduce buyers to different things, and take away ones that don't sell very well. Just writing that makes me long for that something else immediately. Sigh. Thanks for the comfort, Sassy Sundry.

Love that picture. It goes with the name.